The Mind Therapy Clinic

Paul Craddock DHyp MIAEBP

Specialised clinics are available to help you to deal with and remove anxiety, panic and stress in a natural way.

Anxiety can originate from events and circumstances in our daily life. For example, work and personal relationships or it can originate from within our subconscious mind. Often, we have a combination of both. However, if you have a high degree of internal anxiety your capacity to deal with the stress of daily life is diminished. This pushes you over the top and you may experience the various physical effects of anxiety on your body, which can result from a basic anxious feeling to some or all of the symptoms of a panic or anxiety attack.

You may experience some of the symptoms below:

  1. The heart beats alarmingly quickly
  2. Increase in breathing rate as if you are not getting enough air (air hunger)
  3. Cramped feeling across the lower part of the diaphragm
  4. Tingling sensation
  5. Hot or cold flush in unexpected parts of the body, usually the extremities
  6. Feeling that unconsciousness may be coming    
  7. Rooted to the spot as if you have seen a ghost
  8. Dumbstruck or immobilised
  9. Panic struck at what is taking place
  10. A return to normal

Anxiety can originate from events and circumstances in our daily life. For example, work and personal relationships or it can originate from within our subconscious mind. Often, we have a combination of both. However, if you have a high degree of internal anxiety your capacity to deal with the stress of daily life is diminished. This pushes you over the top and you may experience the various physical effects of anxiety on your body, which can result from a basic anxious feeling to some or all of the symptoms of a panic or anxiety attack.

You may experience some of the symptoms below:

  1. The heart beats alarmingly quickly
  2. Increase in breathing rate as if you are not getting enough air (air hunger)
  3. Cramped feeling across the lower part of the diaphragm
  4. Tingling sensation
  5. Hot or cold flush in unexpected parts of the body, usually the extremities
  6. Feeling that unconsciousness may be coming    
  7. Rooted to the spot as if you have seen a ghost
  8. Dumbstruck or immobilised
  9. Panic struck at what is taking place
  10. A return to normal

Internal anxiety may come from unresolved emotions from childhood and sometimes from later in life. Anxiety can also come from repressed memories and emotions from childhood. This is your subconscious mind’s way of protecting you from memories and experiences that you were unable to deal with at the time because they were so bad. However, we should remember that what is traumatic or frightening to a child we may laugh about now as adults.

So, your repressed memories and emotions may not be newspaper headline material! But remember, just as the steam train has a safety valve on its boiler in case the pressure gets too high, and it blows up, so does your mind! This mechanism is called repression, where your subconscious mind hides the traumatic memory and or the emotion from your conscious mind so you don’t have to deal with the pressure, which could cause you psychological harm like the boiler blowing up on the steam train boiler example mentioned above.

So, your subconscious mind now has a repressed memory, which your conscious mind cannot access. So, this repressed memory becomes a timeless, formless thing floating around in your subconscious mind, this memory cannot be filed with your other normal memories, so this causes anxiety, which is fear spread thinly. Now there is nothing more frightening to the human psyche than to be frightened of something and not know what it is.  If you could identify what you were scared of, you could rationalise it and decide how you could deal with it. If something is blocked from your conscious mind and causing you anxiety, your subconscious mind will attempt to rationalise it. This can manifest in a variety of ways depending on your personality type. You may experience straightforward feelings of anxiety in your body which may include panic attacks, you may also have phobias, suffer from depression or other symptoms.

So, you have something inside of you but out of your control. If we can find that something, we put you back into control. You cannot have an effect without a cause. So, by finding the cause we remove your symptom. My objective would to be to put you back to the best person you could be if fate hadn’t intervened.