The Mind Therapy Clinic

Paul Craddock DHyp MIAEBP


“Both my wife and I stopped smoking after seeing Paul for only one session, we were a bit sceptical about stopping straight away but we were surprised and pleased when it worked. We have since sent other smokers to see Paul and they have stopped too!”   J K Arnold Parkstone

“Having tried to give up smoking 3 or 4 times in the past only to go back within a few months, after seeing Paul I have not had a cigarette in the last 6 months, I did this without thinking about cigarettes much at all!”

 VE Jones, Blandford

“After just one session I stopped smoking after 20 years smoking rollup cigarettes, Paul helped me do this without any cravings or irritability, I am now looking forward to being more in control of my life.”

A.P. Williams, Dorchester

“Paul Craddock stopped me smoking in just one session after 40 years as a 20 a day smoker. Having previously tried to give up with patches and Nicorette and failed, I was amazed how easy it was”   A. J. Clark Parkstone.

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