The Mind Therapy Clinic

Paul Craddock DHyp MIAEBP

Anxiety Test

Please tick the box that applies to you. Answer yes, even if only part of a statement applies to you. Take your time, but please be totally honest with your answers.

1I suffer from addictive behaviour i.e. gambling, compulsive shopping, or alcoholism. There are many more possible examples of addictive behaviour, but you get the idea  
2I frequently suffer from apprehension and fear  
3I suffer from an eating disorder  
4I have a bodily symptom that has no medical reason to manifest  
5I have a general apprehensiveness; I have a pessimistic outlook on life and often see the worst in all possibilities  
6I bite my nails  
7I often feel nervous for no apparent logical reason  
8I have a phobia. For example, fear of spider’s fear of flying, fear of being sick, fear of open spaces or closed spaces, fear of hights, fear of germs. There are many more possible examples  
9I need constant reassurance  
10I suffer from a compulsive bodily movement such as tapping my feet on the floor or tapping my hands on the table. There are many other examples.  
11I procrastinate and often put off things that I should be doing  
12I smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day  
13I have obsessive and compulsive thoughts or repetitive thoughts that are out of my control  
14I suffer from social anxiety & shyness  
15I feel insecure and worry a lot  
16I feel that I am suffering from something inside of me but outside of my control  
17I suffer from bodily twitches, nervous twitches, facial twitches or compulsive blinking of my eyes  
18I perform obsessive actions and have compulsions. Examples would be obsessive handwashing, repeatably checking things such as door locks, and electric switches or, following a particular ceremony such as having to tap the door handle 3 times before entering. There are many more possible examples  
19I frequently suffer from nightmares  
20I suffer from a speech symptom such as stammering  
21Sometimes, for no apparent logical reason, close friendships or personal relationships cause me to feel nervous, anxious or apprehensive  
22I ask questions even when I already know the answer  
23I suffer from panic attacks. Answer yes if you have had any of the symptoms below: Increase in heart rate, increase in breathing as if not getting enough air, cramped feeling across the lower part of the diaphragm, tingling sensation, hot or cold flush, a feeling that unconsciousness maybe coming, feeling rooted to the spot, feeling immobilised.                                               
24I suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Answer yes if you have an anxious feeling plus any of the symptoms below: excessive vigilance, exaggerated tendency to startle, nightmares, flashbacks to a traumatic event, insomnia, outburst of anger, social withdrawal  

Whilst the above is not a complete list of all possible anxiety indicators, it will help you to determine if you may need help. Therefore, if you have answered yes to any of the above, I would suggest that you contact me for more information.

Paul Craddock DHP, MIAEBP.

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