The Mind Therapy Clinic

Paul Craddock DHyp MIAEBP


Well, it is a state of deep relaxation with a heightened state of awareness which is induced either by a hypnotist or the person themselves. This state of mind to the onlooker resembles sleep which is in fact how it got its name from the Greek “hypnos” (to sleep), but far from being asleep, the person experiencing hypnosis may feel in a state of heightened awareness, in which they still have overall control of their own mind whilst at the same time, being more open to suggestion that may be given by the hypnotist.

It is not possible that you could be made to do anything that you did not want to do, and you would not blurt out any of your secrets. The person in hypnosis may experience their senses more, and their memory may well be enhanced.

The state of hypnosis is a most pleasant and relaxing natural phenomenon, during which a person can talk quite easily. It is inconceivable that any harm could befall you.

Hypnosis is being used increasingly as an adjunct to orthodox medicine where it is providing a valuable alternative to drugs and anaesthesia to accelerate the healing process, and to relieve and help with pain.


Hypnotherapy is the therapy used when you are hypnotised (see hypnosis above) the therapy consists of various psychological techniques.  I use two entirely different treatments, using conscious hypnosis, though it is sometimes necessary to mix the two.


Suggestion therapy is used to produce a change in a behaviour pattern, such as smoking, weight, nail biting, pre-test nerves, relaxation and confidence boosting.


Analytical therapy is used to discover the original cause of psychological problems, using hypno-analysis. This can be summarised briefly as the cause and effect; every effect (your symptom), must have a cause; once this cause is revealed, it is removed, bringing consequent relief from the symptoms.

There is no need for you to put up with something inside of yourself but outside your control, providing you are prepared to devote time, money, effort and self-discipline to free yourself of your problem. The use of conscious hypnosis can dramatically speed up analysis and results can be achieved on average, in 6 to 8 weeks.

Certain problems respond particularly well to hypno-analysis. Here is the list of some of the symptoms and problems I have treated and helped people with over the last 24 years using hypno-analysis: addictions, anorexia, anger, anxiety, bulimia, depression, self-doubt and lack of confidence, psoriasis & eczema, phobias, panic attacks, sexual problems, stress and worry. 

Many clients I see have been to counselling but still have their problems. That is because the problem is in the subconscious part of their mind. Hypnotherapy deals more directly with the subconscious mind. Traditional counselling has to go through the conscious mind to get to the subconscious. That’s why in my opinion counselling used as a standalone therapy is often unsuccessful or takes considerably longer than it would using hypnotherapy.

For a full list of symptoms treatable using hypnotherapy visit the: