The Mind Therapy Clinic

Paul Craddock DHyp MIAEBP

Specialised clinics are available to help you to deal with and remove a phobia in a natural way.

What is a phobia?

A phobia is an external symbolic interpretation of an internal anxiety.

What does that mean?

When an emotional conflict takes place at a subconscious level, and your mind cannot cope or deal with it, your mind has the ability to bottle up the emotions and turn them into a phobia.

Although some phobias serve an obvious purpose, i.e. fear of fire or drowning, some seem to make no sense at all! Rest assured though; all phobias serve a purpose. In therapy, we can find the originating cause (the subconscious conflict) of the phobia and release it, and when the emotions are released, the phobia disappears.

I use a specialist process under hypnosis to look for the actual cause of the phobia. Once we remove the cause we remove the effect which was your phobia.

Common Phobias

The following are some of the more common phobias that I have been consulted for:

Arachnophobia (spiders), Aviophobia (flying), Hydrophobia (water), Acrophobia (heights), Claustrophobia (enclosed spaces), Agoraphobia (open spaces), Demophobia (crowds), Nyctophobia (darkness), Odontophobia (dentists), Glossophobia (speaking in public) Emetophobia (fear of being sick) Social Phobia (fear of public interaction).

Phobias are almost always indirect; this means that they are usually indirectly linked to an unresolved emotional conflict. Notwithstanding this, phobias have mostly originated from childhood when the person was confronted with a traumatic situation of which they had no control over. Therefore, because phobias usually symbolise a situation where the sufferer felt out of control, if you think about it, there are many situations in life that could trigger a feeling of being out of control. For example:

  • Flying in a tin (airline) at 400 miles an hour, two miles up in the sky
  • Lying on a dentist’s couch, with the dentist about to stick a needle in you
  • In a completely dark room, can’t even see your own hand in front of you
  • Caught up in a large crowd of people and being dragged along with them
  • Stuck in a traffic jam or fast flowing traffic

There are many more examples…

No one needs to suffer from something inside of them but out of their control. I have freed many clients from their phobias over the years I have been in practice. 

Free confidential 20min online consultations available online to see how I can help.