The Mind Therapy Clinic

Paul Craddock DHyp MIAEBP

Can I really stop smoking within 2 hours?

If such a simple solution to the smoking habit is available then why do so many people who say they sincerely want to stop, carry on smoking?

The answer is FEAR!  

  • Fear that you’ll never be able to continue your life as a non-smoker completely free of the craving for nicotine!
  • Fear that you’ll put on weight as a substitute to your damaging smoking habit.
  • Fear that you’ll have to give up the pleasure that your smoking habit gives you and as a result you may become a lesser person.
  • Fear that in order to become a non-smoker you will have to go through some kind of terrible trauma or painful feelings.  
  • Fear that when you have become a non-smoker you may find that you are unable to enjoy life or handle stress!
  • Fear of failure in your attempts to be a non-smoker.
  • Fear that it will be far too difficult and far too painful when you attempt to stop smoking!

The truth is that Hypnotherapy actually makes the process of becoming a non-smoker so simple and straightforward, that something you once thought would be so difficult to achieve, actually becomes so ridiculously EASY!  In fact, my tried, tested and proven to work technique of hypnotherapy makes it so easy for you to quit the nicotine habit, that by the end of approximately only one and a half hours, YOU WILL BE a confident, happy, healthy, relaxed non-smoker!

I will help you to make instant and positive changes deep in your subconscious mind, which enable you to become a non-smoker instantly, and for the rest of your life. You will not feel deprived, you will not feel any pain whatsoever and in no way will you feel that you have made any form of sacrifice!

It’s also because of this that with hypnotherapy there is NO unwanted weight gain, NO sudden nail biting or other habit will appear, and you WILL BECOME far more relaxed and stress free in your everyday life than you have ever been before, which means that you won’t be getting grumpy and irritable with your loved ones, friends or work colleagues!

  • Smoking kills over 120,000 people every year – more than 13 people an hour and half of all regular smokers will eventually die as a result of their habit.
  • Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive lung disease, including bronchitis. And smoking causes 46,500 deaths from cancer a year.

When you consider that nicotine can leave your body within 24 hours of becoming a non-smoker and when you consider that this means you will also have stopped killing yourself slowly on a daily basis, isn’t it obvious that the intelligent choice is to book a session to stop smoking and give yourself a new lease of life?

According to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the smoking habit, it was stated in the October 1992 issue of “The New Scientist” that “Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking”; will power it turns out, counts for very little.

Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation is so successful, because you receive immediate rewards for your efforts. You will feel an intense sense of pride and satisfaction. You receive an immediate boost to your willpower. You gain a huge amount of confidence in your ability to remain a non-smoker. Situations that used to make you feel stressed or anxious, now just relax you. This list could go on and on and on…… Ask yourself this; If you received a fantastic sense of well-being, calmness, pride and satisfaction every time you found yourself in a situation where you used to smoke instead, why would you want or need to smoke?

Your stop smoking session takes no more than 2 hours with the average session lasting about an hour and a half. The success rate is normally 95% first session, with 5% that may need a booster session that is FREE for up to 30 days after the first session.

A free support Hypno-audio is given for use for the first 30 days after your stop smoking appointment.

This is a stress-free way to give up.

Vaping and Electronic Cigarettes

Despite being advertised as not being as harmful as smoking cigarettes and tobacco products, electronic cigarettes contain many poisons that can still cause great harm to your body when you inhale the vapour. The following chemicals have been found in the vapour of electronic cigarettes:

NICOTINE: a highly toxic nerve poison, that constricts your arteries, raises your blood pressure and increases your adrenaline levels, it is a powerful stimulant and does not relax you.

ACROLEIN: Most often used as a weed killer, this chemical can also damage your lungs.

VEGETABLE GLYCERINE: is toxic to the cells in your body.

ULTRA FINE PARTICLES that can be inhaled deep into your lungs.

Flavourings such as DIACETYL, a chemical linked to serious lung disease.

Heavy metals such as NICKEL TIN and LEAD.

FORMALDEHYDE: better known as an embalming fluid.

I have been helping clients stop smoking for over 20 years and get most of my clients from referrals.

Details of fees on the fees Fees & Treatments page


“Both my wife and I stopped smoking after seeing Paul for only one session, we were a bit skeptical about stopping straight away but we were surprised and pleased when it worked. We have since sent other smokers to see Paul and they have stopped too!”   J K Arnold Parkstone

“Having tried to give up smoking 3 or 4 times in the past only to go back within a few months, after seeing Paul I have not had a cigarette in the last 6 months, I did this without thinking about cigarettes much at all!”

 VE Jones, Blandford

“After just one session I stopped smoking after 20 years smoking rollup cigarettes, Paul helped me do this without any cravings or irritability, I am now looking forward to being more in control of my life.”

A.P. Williams, Dorchester

“Paul Craddock stopped me smoking in just one session after 40 years as a 20 a day smoker. Having previously tried to give up with patches and Nicorette and failed, I was amazed how easy it was”   A. J. Clark Parkstone