The Mind Therapy Clinic

Paul Craddock DHyp MIAEBP

Stress Test

Please tick the box that applies to you. Answer yes, even if only part of a question applies to you. Take your time, but please be totally honest with your answers.

1I frequently work at home at night, on work which I have brought home         
2I feel that there are just not enough hours in the working day to do all of the things that I must do  
3I can frequently feel impatient with the speed at which events take place  
4At times I can have an extreme reluctance to go to work  
5I try to fit more and more tasks into less and less time, resulting in me not allowing time for any unforeseen problems that may arise  
6I feel that there are too many deadlines in my work / life that are difficult to meet  
7My self-confidence / self-esteem is low  
8I can frequently have a vaguely guilty feeling if I relax and do nothing, even for short periods of time  
9I find myself thinking about problems to do with my personal / business/professional life, even when I am supposed to be engaged in recreational pursuits                                                             
10I can have a feeling of intense fatigue, even when I wake after sleep  
11I can / do find myself finishing other people’s sentences for them                                                         
12I have a tendency to eat, talk, move and walk quickly  
13My appetite has altered, to a desire to go on a binge, especially on sweet, sugary foods. Or, I have suffered a loss of appetite  
14I find myself becoming irritated / angry if the car or traffic in front of me seems to me to be going too slowly / I become very frustrated at having to wait in a queue   
15I can feel anger and resentment at nothing in particular and or, a feeling that something is missing, but I don’t know what  
16I’m aware that I try to get other people to hurry up / get on with it  
17At times I feel depressed, tearful, irritable, all-over tension, short tempered, unusual clumsiness, my concentration / memory is impaired.  
18I find that if I have to do repetitive tasks, I become impatient  
19I can seem to be listening to other people’s conversations, even though I am in fact preoccupied with my own thoughts  
20I find myself grinding my teeth, especially if I am stressed or feeling impatient  
21I seem to have an increase in aches and pains, especially in the neck, head, jaw, lower back, shoulders, and chest. For women: Menstrual cycles are erratic, often missed  
22At times I am unable to perform work or tasks as well as I used too, or I feel my judgment is clouded / not as good as it was      
23I find I have a greater dependency on alcohol, caffeine, nicotine or drugs (whether prescription or not)  
24I find that I don’t have time for many interests / hobbies outside of work  

A yes answer scores 1 (one), and a no answer scores 0 (zero).

Now, total up all of your yes scores: ………………………………..

If you score:

4 points or less: You have no need to worry about being prone to stress. You are least likely to suffer from stress-related illness.

5 – 13 points: You are prone to stress. You are also more likely to suffer from the negative effects of stress. Long term, you may possibly be open to stress-related illness. I would recommend that you consider stress control counselling.

14 points or more: You are the most prone to the negative effects of stress. And so, you are more open to serious stress-related illness. I would strongly recommend that you start considering working on a stress management programme.