The Mind Therapy Clinic

Paul Craddock DHyp MIAEBP

Lose Weight in just 3 Sessions!

And not put it back on!


No need to go on another diet!

No cravings or irritability!

No mood swings!

No weight gain afterwards!

Specialist clinics help you to start slimming in a natural way. Simply by changing your eating habits you will lose weight and slim down in a natural way without cravings for chocolate or a desire to snack. You will find you are NOT constantly thinking of food like you do when you are on a diet.


Many people have been on diets and through pure will power have lost weight, have even got down to their target weight only to put it back on again. They often find they eventually put more weight on again than they originally lost. This is due to the subconscious (95%) of the mind reacting to the conscious minds (5%) prolonged negative suggestions (must not eat this or must eat less etc.)

When you use negatives your subconscious mind wants it more and more, the craving starts and as time goes on the argument in your head between the two parts of your mind may make you irritable or give you mood swings and a bad temper.  The craving for snacks and more food gets worse. If you manage to lose weight this way the subconscious mind will eventually get its way because it is more powerful and you will soon put on weight again, probably more weight than you originally lost, and so the cycle continues.

Let me illustrate this to you. I am going to ask you now NOT TO THINK ABOUT ZEBRAS!

Ok what’s on your mind?  I bet you are thinking about Zebras! The reason is I used the NEGATIVE “DON’T”.

Now let’s look at what happens if we use positive suggestions with hypnotherapy. In the past you have tried to control the subconscious 95% of your mind with the conscious 5%, using negative suggestions. We are going to use the 95% (subconscious) using positive suggestions so it will be really easy. This is the reason why you will be able to lose weight and not put it back on again when you book your consultation with me.


Hypnosis is simply a pleasant state of relaxation; during which your awareness, senses and memory are enhanced. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Nobody has power over you; it is our own minds that enable the process to take place.

When a person is in hypnosis four basic things happen:

  • They achieve a deep level of relaxation, far deeper than can normally be achieved on their own.  
  • Their ability to remember things from the past is greatly enhanced.  
  • Their acceptance of beneficial and positive suggestion is increased.
  • The senses of hearing and smell are much more acute, hence a person in hypnosis hears what is going on all of the time and is aware.

The altered state of mind that is induced by hypnosis is a very pleasurable and relaxing experience.

I run a special slimming program in my clinic between Poole and Bournemouth and online. You can get all the support you will need to lose weight at affordable prices. You will be able to get access to advanced weight loss techniques using the immense power of hypnotherapy. You will receive support from me making it positively easy for you to lose weight, and most importantly not put it back on again. This is because you will not be going on another diet. Just changing your eating habits to a lifelong way of healthy living without cravings, irritability or mood swings.  Unlike other methods of losing weight, will power and effort are not required, you simply need to stay with your decision to lose weight.

You will receive the support you may have experienced with other slimming clubs but this time it will be easy because we are using powerful techniques working with your subconscious mind not against it, as you have previously been doing. Your subconscious mind will be working for you because it will not think you are starving your body on a silly diet again so you may find it will speed up your metabolisms, so you lose more weight than you thought possible.

I will be helping you holistically; treating the whole person, looking at your emotional state, stress levels and motivations so not only are you losing weight, but you are also much more relaxed, much happier and most importantly you feel more in control of your life. 

I have been successfully helping people lose weight at my clinics for over 20 years in private practice as a Hypnotherapist.  

The weight loss program consists of three sessions of up to 1 hour duration. The first two sessions are spaced at weekly intervals and the third is usually after a two-week interval depending on my assessment of your progress. You will receive a special support hypno-audio to listen to in between sessions. 

Fees and treatment page


“After going on many diets throughout my life I gradually watched my weight increase, it was then that I was introduced to Paul Craddock’s hypnotherapy slimming programme, I soon stopped being obsessed with food all the time and switched my eating habits to a more natural way, I am now well, well on my way to my ideal weight and feeling much better!”    Mrs. P.J. Williams,  Bournemouth

I used to want to snack and pick all the time, now I can just leave it without being bothered. Thanks to Paul, I feel so much better and proud of myself, it’s now 2 months since I had a session and I have lost 1 stone, and I think it will stay off this time!   S. Philips, Parkstone.